1. The General Chair of ECTI-CON 2024 sends a Meeting ID and a Passcode of Zoom Video Webinar® to each speaker before the conference.
  2. Each speaker should be as familiar with Zoom Video Webinar® as possible. The speakers in the Oral Session are assigned to Panelists of Zoom Video Webinar®, while the session chair is assigned to a Host. This means that the session chair can control the microphone muting function of all the participants in the oral session and allow some of the audience to speak during the Q&A.

Please join the test in one of the given periods at your convenience. Our volunteers will assist you with the test according to the step instructions for the speaker (Please see Attached File). Optional Test Time list:

  1. For the conference days (May 27-30, 2024), the online meeting is served according to the technical program (https://ecti-con2024.kku.ac.th/programme-at-a-glance/)
  2. The speakers must join the session at least 10 minutes before it starts and declare their attendance to the session chair and the technical staff. During this time, the speakers can test the presentation files (PowerPoint® or PDF®) shared in full-screen mode.
  3. In the Oral Session, each speaker has 15 minutes for the presentation, including the time for questions and discussion. A typical presentation has 1 minute for the preparation and a speaker’s brief biography introduction by the session chair, and 3 minutes for Q&A followed by the 10 minutes presentation. After the Q&A, there is 1 minute to change the speakers. **Note that Both the session chair and speaker must be on time!
  4. The maximum number of pages of PowerPoint® slides is unlimited, but the presentation must be finished within 12 minutes.
  5. The first page of the PowerPoint® slides must include a speaker’s brief biography. The session chair will introduce the speaker for 1 minute before the presentation starts. The biography should contain the speaker’s full name, affiliation and position, research interest, etc., but should be as short as 200 words.
  6. The session chair briefly introduces the speaker’s biography at the beginning of each oral presentation. The session chair must be responsible for keeping the allotted time since it is crucial to ensure the smooth operation of the entire program. The session chair may cut off the presentation if it is highly overrun. 
  7.  After the speaker’s talk,  the session chair switches to the questions and discussion time and should encourage the audience to join in this part. If no one in the audience should ask the speaker any questions, some questions and/or comments may be provided to the speaker by the session chair.